Yesterday morning, as Andrew and I sat in our post-flush glow drinking tea with our yoga instructor, Swabhiman, we discussed why it is important to re-introduce foods very slowly after completing a full intestinal cleanse.
For one full day after a cleanse, it is best to have only baby-food like products, i.e. soups, soft rice, etc. And the body isn’t yet ready for salt or milk (creates bubbles in the stomach). Hard foods could scratch the intestinal walls. So generally, we have the stomachs of a two-year old and should treat them with care.
This all made complete sense to me, but I had been craving pizza for days, so as soon as we completed the grueling three-kilometer hike to our hotel from Sadhana, I was ready to get my eat on. We headed to the nearest decent restaurant, I ordered a salami and onion pizza with a hard cider and Andrew ordered chicken tikka masala and a beer.
Several hours later, after shopping and resting, we headed out for round two, and I had the bright idea that tonight was the night we should get our party on too. So after a champagne cocktail and several other random fruity drinks, I was ready to dance, when I looked over at Andrew and found him sweating profusely.
“I don’t think we should be drinking after a full-body cleanse.”
Famous last words.
We woke up this morning around the same time, both with piercing stomach pain. And we are still in bed now, nursing ourselves back to health.
Friends, learn from our mistakes.